Update: Animals, Children and More

Wazzup Guys! I want to apologize for not being able to update a bit sooner. For some weird reason my video editor software just went bonkers and won't just render the video. I will try to fix this issue fast or maybe update some gifs for this update. Again sorry for the inconvenience. Added more features and improved the game a lot. Here are the monthly updates:


1. GameSpeed - Now the player can select in what gamespeed he/she wants to play in. There is a sub-menu with game speed buttons that plays the game in x1, x2, x3 and x5 times or pauses the game. Also the player can use the 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 buttons to control the speed as well.

2. Animal - Added animals to the game. For now added just deer. Makes the world feel alive. Deer moves around in a herd. Like citizens they eat, sleep etc. They have their own sleep time. The animals give birth as well. For now added a vfx which shows when a new animal is born.

3. Pregnancy - Now after marriage the female citizen can get pregnant and give birth to a child. Once a citizen becomes pregnant a sign will popup in the Citizen UI stating that this citizen is pregnant. Also added a genetic calculation which determines how/who the child will look like.

4. Child - Finally added children to the game. So once the citizen gets married they can have children. There is a calculation which tells if certain married couple can have children or not. For now children moves around the town. If school is present then they will go to school from 07:00AM - 03:00PM. Children have their own sleeping time which is around 08:00PM. Like adults they will bring back food from the storage if there aren't any food at home. Once children reaches teenage age(13) they become teenagers.

5. Teen - Once the child becomes teen it grows in size. The teen can help the adults with gathering materials but they are not allowed to work in production building. Teen sleep time is same as the adults. When the teen becomes 20 years old it becomes an adult and moves out of the house and starts its new life.

6. School - School is place where children goes to study. For now only added schools for children and not Teens. This is also the place where citizens increases their Intelligence attribute.

7. All Citizen UI - Added a new UI where the player gets to see all citizens in one list, separated into three different groups, Adult, Teen and Child. Clicking their names here will take the camera to them.

8. Event Log - Added another new UI. Now when any major events happen like child birth, death(not added) or finish building all these events are added to the event log and gives a glimpse of what is going on in the town. Clicking on them will take the camera to the target.

9. Intelligence - Added a new attribute, intelligence. The higher this attribute is the better/faster the citizen will work.

10. Farm Type - Added two new farm type, cotton and apple. Now the citizen can grow cotton for cloth making and apple for food.

11. New AI Type - Added 3 new AI type, Child, Teen and Animal.


   Again all the models, sound, UI etc are place holder but I am kind of liking the animal models that I got. Will think about to keep them or not. Will try to add the 3rd person feature but if it does not go well then I am thinking of not adding it. Need to add Save/Load, Start screen, temperature, hunting and season changes by next update. Stay tuned for more.

K Out!


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