Farm & Farmer AI

Man this one was challenging to do but done it!


1. Farm
2. Farmer AI

   1. Farm: This structure produces products. For now it is only able to produce wheat. The player can decide how big the farm should be. For now the cost of making the farm is fixed but in future the size of the farm will decide the cost of making it. Also added Day feature so the crops can grow based on the days passed.

   2. Farmer AI: Added another AI. This one tends to the farm. It plants the crop and once the crop has grown to full size it will start to harvest them. This AI also transport the harvest crop to the storage building.


   Will improve the farm feature a bit. Will add farm UI so the player can choose what type of crop to grow and how many workers can work in one farm. Also will add a UI that shows the cost of buildings. And maybe will try to make a bakery building and AI by this week.

K Out!


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