More updates and features

This week it was more about UI improvement and features.


1. Tooltip
2. Material UI
3. Citizen UI
4. Road Improvement

   1. Tooltip: Added a tooltip feature. Now when the player hover over the UI elements it shows what that UI element is. So for now it shows tooltip for the build buttons and the stat menu.

   2. Material UI: Ok before adding the material UI, I added another material which is the stone material. Needed that to see if the UI is working. So any way this UI shows how much materials can be gathered and what are those materials. So when the player selects the gather all and drags over the materials it will show him/her what is being gather and by how much.

   3. Citizen UI: This UI shows all the information of the citizen. It shows their name, gender, age, energy level, health, what they are carrying, the amount they are carrying, their thoughts etc. Also the UI has a follow button. So when the player clicks the follow button the camera starts to follow the citizen.

   4. Road Improvement: Improved the road a bit. Before the problem was that when you placed the road over another road, it would overlay it. Now made sure when the road is placed over another road it doesn't get placed at all.


   At the moment I am working with the dynamic farm feature. So the player can place down farms. Also made some editor tools just to help me in setting up prefabs. So next target hopefully is making farms, Farmer AI and growing crops.

K Out!


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