Big updates and improvements

You guys probably thought I gave up again. Hehe but no I didn't. As I said before this is the last time I am doing this so will not give up without a fight. The reason I took time to make another post is because I thought of making updates when there are major improvements and features added. Wouldn't make sense just updating without having major improvements or features.


1. Game world filled with materials.
2. Wild material creation.
3. Profession system.
4. Improved selection.
5. De-selection system.
6. Improved farm feature.

   1. Game world filled with materials: When the game starts it is now filled with materials. Now the player has infinite amount of materials that can be gathered. For now only trees and stones are being added.

   2. Wild material creation: In the game there are wild materials being added after certain amount of days. This will ensure that the player does not run out of basic materials that he/she can collect. For now only stones and trees are added.

   3. Profession system: Doing this part was really challenging. I had to update the other AIs to support this but it was time to do it since I will add other AIs. So now the player can decide what type of profession the citizens can occupy. Once the player select a profession any free worker AI will occupy that profession.

   4. Improved selection: Now when the player selects materials to be collected those materials are highlighted. This way the player will know which materials have been selected.

   5. De-selection system: Added this feature so that the player can now de-select the selected materials. Again when this mode is selected, the selected materials will be highlighted and player will know which materials were selected. Again while de-selecting it will also show how much materials are being de-selected.

   6. Improved farm feature: The farm feature has been improved a lot. There is a farm UI to help the player make some decisions. The player can select what type of crops to grow, how much workers are allowed to work, how much materials the farm will make, at what percentage will the farmers start to harvest the farm, forced harvest and a list of all the farmers working on the farm. Also while make the farm the player will be able to see the building cost of the farm and how many farmers will be able to work on the farm.


   Will be working on making some more buildings and AI. Giving AI needs. Day/Night cycle. Again I might update when I have made some huge progress. Stay tuned!

K Out!
